Finicky Fellowship

Reaping & Sowing: Flesh vs. Spirit #SELFCONTROL

Reaping & Sowing: Flesh vs. Spirit #SELFCONTROL

💚CLICK HERE FOR SELF CONTROL SCRIPTURE CARDS "I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate." Romans 7:15 NLT Y'all! Apostle Paul (the author of the book of Romans) is in my business! As I was reading this verse, all I could say was, "YAAASSSS PAUL!" in my millennial generation voice. I mean, it was such a relief to know that someone who had been miraculously used by God -to do the work of God- still struggled in his flesh from time to time. Because...

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The Miracle in my Miscarriage...

The Miracle in my Miscarriage...

Honestly, my husband and I thought I was just constipated. I  mean it happens to the best of us right? Sometimes you need to go but you just can't. You see, I had surgery on my intestines as a baby due to some type of 'number 2' issues. So as I got older, I still couldn't quite get a regular schedule going like most folk (unless I ate right) lol... But anyway, I know this is a lot of personal information but I am trying to set the tone here. Just stay with me.  It was the evening of July...

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